Contact Us
Buds Gardeners
128 Liddle Road
DuBois, PA 15801
Call: 814-371-3322
We meet at the First United Presbyterian Church, 43 W Scribner Avenue, DuBois, PA 15801 (the big stone church across from the city building) usually on the first Thursday of every month at 6 PM. Use the ground level door facing Scribner Avenue. Go inside, then to the bottom of the steps and turn left. For Handicapped Access call Cheryl at 590-9010 just before arriving. Pull into the alley between the Gray Apartments and the church, and park in the Handicapped Space. Go toward the front of the church and I will meet you at the elevator door (also ground level and facing High Street).
Guests: If you use the Revitalization Parking to the left of the church, (the former S&T Drive In Bank) you must come inside and get a Parking Pass to put on the dash of your car in order to avoid getting a ticket. It must be returned when leaving. Paid members are issued a Permanent Parking Pass.
To find our main planting area, go to the intersection of N. Franklin Street, Scribner Avenue, Park Avenue, New Street and Williams Street, and park at Charlie's Alternators. The big beds and the area around the parking lot and alongside the creek are our main goals at this time. We will also be adding to the Long Pollinator Mound, and a water collection feature will be added to irrigate the beds.
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